Velvet liked canoeing in white water, but he says his back hurts from sleeping on the ground. I expect he'll be glad to be in his own bed again when he gets home in May, but he wants to go straight up to Hookah House to be at graduation. Then he wants to come back to New York to get his EMT certificate over the summer. He'd also like to hike the Long Trail with his buddy CT but isn't quite sure how he'll have time for all this. He figures he can get his EMT and "ride the truck" for Big Beautiful Private University, where he wants to study "Education Or Something." Sadly, Tree Hugger doesn't offer Education or Something. Only Science and Shit.
I'm proud because, you know, I studied "Education or Something," too. Actually, Tree Hugger does have a program that leads to teaching High School Sciences - but we have to see if that will work. I'm not stuck on Tree Hugger - it's just that Tree Hugger is a state school and costs substantially less than BBP. That's why Velvet is figuring on Riding the Truck - which means being an EMT on BBP's ambulances. He thinks it'll be like Work Study and will help pay for school. Looks to me like the young man is developing a sense of responsibility and self-reliance. Now that I think about it, SUNY has a medical school down the block from Tree Hugger, so maybe he can get the EMT certificate up there in the fall instead of in the city this summer.
We'll work it out. The main thing is that Velvet sounds wonderful and he's imagining a future for himself that involves a Job. I'm sure my own parents were proud when I finally started imaging a future for myself that involved a job, too. I think I was 35 and going back to grad school for the second time to get the MSEd in Early Childhood - which I love. Early Childhood, for me, is much better than Education or Something - which is how I viewed the MAT I got that made me qualified to teach middle school and high school English (or Integrated Language Arts, as I preferred to call it).
Actually, it's imagining a job for myself that has me worried about moving back to Texas. Somehow I get the feeling I'm too much of a mouthy New Yorker these days to be able to teach in Texas without being in a fight with somebody all the time. Maybe not in Austin at the right preschool, but the field itself isn't as well established here as it is up in NYC which makes finding the right preschool tricky. There's no association of private schools or a Parents League or any of those groups that provide information on schools - largely because up until very recently there hasn't really been a need. The Austin area has a population of 790,000 these days, but that's still kind of small and like most places, those folks are spread out all over the county without a good public transportation system - although Austin has put in a cute little light rail which just proves they have better sense there than in the rest of this gas guzzling state. Anyway, finding fancy preschools that pay their teachers well is going to take some leg work.
Which brings me to the idea of starting my own school. A chain of schools, even. I get jazzed when I think about it, so I must like the idea. But I also like the idea of finding a peaceful day job and writing my racy memoirs as well as The Menopausal Stoners Guide to Parenting. Writing that sentence just now - I sighed with the realization that writing the Guide to Parenting is where my focus should be for the next year.
I'm okay with moving out of my apartment - and if everything goes according to Plan A, I'll be moving at the end of June. I just don't know where I'm moving, although it seems like I'm about ready to come out and declare that I'm staying in New York for a couple more years. It's not just about Velvet, either. I'm pretty sure that anyone who says a place with nearly a million people is "kind of small" has an urban outlook.
I'm going home Saturday. Start Spreading the News