Weed Nation
Now that the buildings next door are nearly built, Menopausal Stoners World Headquarters on Central Park West feels like Miami Beach in a way. The terrace is a great spot to fly a Weed Nation flag. Queer Nation, too. Declare my allegiance to those Nations on Independence Day. I need a flag, though.
My friend and fellow Menopausal Stoner, The Rebbe Mohammed McCrory, has started writing her own blog: VERYMISSMARY. It starts with her discussion of chronic pain. She's not sure where it's going since she just started, but she's going somewhere. She always understood the Road to Nowhere completely. The Rebbe Very Miss Mary is an excellent woman with a needle, and she knits like nobody's business, too. She might could make a Weed Nation flag just like Betsy Ross.

All these Internet connections could build alliances as strong as those who brought down the Berlin Wall. Ronald Reagan took credit for bringing it down, but really it was the invention of the fax machine similar to how the printing press led to The Reformation.
The BP mess in the Gulf shows politicians to be pawns of their Corporate Sponsors so starkly that folks began calling Republicans the GOBP. It is not like Katrina, though. It's more like the Berlin Wall because that spewage is complete man made Bull Shit. Katrina was shit from Nature, or even Pat Robertson's God. You can't sue anyone or hold anyone criminally responsible for an Act of God.
If the printing press brought on the Reformation, and the fax machine took down the Berlin Wall, then the internet could potentially spark some resistance. The Punk Patriot started calling to revoke BP's corporate charter back in June. Green Change picked it up. They said something on the internet somewhere, which was referenced by RealityZone while discussing Corporal Punishment for Corporations. There was a link to the post in comments to JadedJ. All these links are like chucking rocks at the Berlin Wall. Our combined voices could be heard by others out there in Blogland. We all start making noise just like in Dr Seuss' Horton Hears a Who until the Wall of Corporate Domination breaks - and if somebody starts trying to send us to Gitmo, we can hoist each other over and make a break for the hills. That's why the Corporations are trying to restrict access to the internet (Jon Stewart on the Net Neutrality Act).
Since the Supreme Court has decreed that Corporations have the same rights as individual humans, then Corporations have the right to face the death penalty same as any garden variety disenfranchised human on death row in Texas. We know all about the Death Penalty in Texas. Off with their heads, I say. I know this Tea Party.
I know where The Garden is, too, because I've been tending it (Caught in the Devil's Bargain, Stonerdate 06.26.2010) So has The Rebbe, and so has my old friend, Mean. She's another Austin Stoner circa 1982 who lives in the hills out past Lake Travis. She's coming up to New York City to visit me for the Fourth of July. I'm sure it will be much more fun to be with Mean than it was with The Preacher.
Me, Mean and The Rebbe may have to brew up some herb tea, for medicinal purposes only, load it up in a little cart and go drink it down on Wall Street. We can laugh at banksters strolling to work from our lawn chairs under an umbrella. I expect they would dismiss us as a bunch of kindergarten teachers except for the Weed Nation flag, and the cooler full of "The Recipe" like the Baldwin Sisters on The Waltons.
My friend and fellow Menopausal Stoner, The Rebbe Mohammed McCrory, has started writing her own blog: VERYMISSMARY. It starts with her discussion of chronic pain. She's not sure where it's going since she just started, but she's going somewhere. She always understood the Road to Nowhere completely. The Rebbe Very Miss Mary is an excellent woman with a needle, and she knits like nobody's business, too. She might could make a Weed Nation flag just like Betsy Ross.

All these Internet connections could build alliances as strong as those who brought down the Berlin Wall. Ronald Reagan took credit for bringing it down, but really it was the invention of the fax machine similar to how the printing press led to The Reformation.
The BP mess in the Gulf shows politicians to be pawns of their Corporate Sponsors so starkly that folks began calling Republicans the GOBP. It is not like Katrina, though. It's more like the Berlin Wall because that spewage is complete man made Bull Shit. Katrina was shit from Nature, or even Pat Robertson's God. You can't sue anyone or hold anyone criminally responsible for an Act of God.
If the printing press brought on the Reformation, and the fax machine took down the Berlin Wall, then the internet could potentially spark some resistance. The Punk Patriot started calling to revoke BP's corporate charter back in June. Green Change picked it up. They said something on the internet somewhere, which was referenced by RealityZone while discussing Corporal Punishment for Corporations. There was a link to the post in comments to JadedJ. All these links are like chucking rocks at the Berlin Wall. Our combined voices could be heard by others out there in Blogland. We all start making noise just like in Dr Seuss' Horton Hears a Who until the Wall of Corporate Domination breaks - and if somebody starts trying to send us to Gitmo, we can hoist each other over and make a break for the hills. That's why the Corporations are trying to restrict access to the internet (Jon Stewart on the Net Neutrality Act).
Since the Supreme Court has decreed that Corporations have the same rights as individual humans, then Corporations have the right to face the death penalty same as any garden variety disenfranchised human on death row in Texas. We know all about the Death Penalty in Texas. Off with their heads, I say. I know this Tea Party.

Me, Mean and The Rebbe may have to brew up some herb tea, for medicinal purposes only, load it up in a little cart and go drink it down on Wall Street. We can laugh at banksters strolling to work from our lawn chairs under an umbrella. I expect they would dismiss us as a bunch of kindergarten teachers except for the Weed Nation flag, and the cooler full of "The Recipe" like the Baldwin Sisters on The Waltons.

I like the Berlin Wall rock chucking analogy. But sometimes I feel like I'm chucking at the wind. There are a hellofa lot of THEM, and a lot fewer of us. You give me hope with these insightful posts, however.
That being said...if the Gulf diaster reaches the proportions some knowledgeable people are predicting (Kevin Cosner notwithstanding), Martial Law will be declared, and we'll all be communicating by short-wave radio. I have one, but unfortunately it's one way.
We'll go back to CB radios, Good Buddy. I remember Smokey and the Bandit.
Since the Supreme Court has decreed that Corporations have the same rights as individual humans, then Corporations have the right to face the death penalty...
That would be just too damn sweet. I volunteer to hang all the bankers.
Beach, I still want to go down to Wall Street with a couple of girl friends, dressed up in French Revolution outfits that show cleavage, and haul around a pretend guillotine like a float in our personal parade.
I'm chicken, though.
I usually drink only coffee....but that tea may be worth a sip. Or two.
...outfits that show cleavage...
If you ever do, please take pictures!
My interest has less to do with the guillotine and more the cleveage.
Sounds like a delightful time... every image makes me smile. I love the FLAG it is PERFECT!! Thanks for putting fun thoughts in my head.
As far as CB radios...reminds me of when you used to drive 90mph,all the windows open on our way to
College and sayin..."Breaker...this is Daddy's Little Darlin..." OMG!I had totally forgotten that piece of PENolan Texas History.
Ah Yes, Daddy's Little Darlin' was burning up I-45 between Denton and Houston. North Texas State had just made the list of Playboy's top 10 party schools. I'm glad we lived through those good old days and didn't hurt anybody, physically anyway . . .
Beach, they are just tits. One of these days click on Tits and The Patriarchy in my sidebar under Popular Posts. The rack is there for all to see. It would be nice if there were a way to use the tits to further the progressive agenda, but somehow I doubt tits are the secret weapon. Although what do I know? Logic and Compassion haven't gotten us anywhere.
Of course, the tea could help. We'll test it out on Lemmy.
I agree, if corporations can have some of the same rights as humans, then they should also face the repercussions and have the same punishments. Also, thanks for the picture of Miss Mamie and Miss Emily. I loved those characters!
V.V., they say that revoking the corporate charter is a death penalty for corporations, but I don't know how bad it can really be if Tony the CEO still gets $16,000,000 when he's fired . . .
I loved those Miss Mamie and Miss Emily, too, and hadn't thought about them in a while. For sure, if it were actually possible to make and bottle weed tea, I would much rather be like the Baldwin Sisters than Bartles & James - although they were pretty cute, too.
I'd never thought of giving corporations the death penalty but now that they are persons, why not? We could always set up a kangaroo court.
I knit and love the flag. And I wish so much I'd known you when I lived in Texas. Burning up rubber on I-45 brings back good memories.
I love kangaroos ;)
I love your blog, too, tnlib.
It would be some trouble if we were together in Texas NOW given that we've both gotten a little mouthy.
We'd get locked up in jail, for sure.
Been there, done that. It doesn't seem to take much.
I'm happy to say that I have thus far avoided arrest. Now that my kid has been arrested, the household rule is: No getting arrested for anything other than protesting war and/or other social injustice. I told my kid that if he got involved in a protest, a responsible grown up like Rev. Billy Talen had to be in charge.
I love Rev Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping
Herb tea sounds really nice. How do you go about preparing that, do you add butter to the tea? http://stonerdiary.wordpress.com
I'll have to check with the Rebbe since she got the recipe from her doctor - but I remember it was nothing special. Just schwag and stems steeped in boiling water for a long time. We mixed it with blueberry juice and a little honey since the tea tastes a bit like bong water.
You can drink it walking down the street as if it were Snapple.
I can't say for sure how high it gets you on account of we had already been smoking the good weed before we started drinking the schwag
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