Walter Cronkite, Captain Kangaroo and Quantum Reality

There are a few similarities between these two gentlemen from CBS. The Captain first appeared on CBS in 1955. Walter Cronkite wasn't the anchorman on CBS until 1962, but he was on TV at the same time as The Captain. They may not have looked a bit alike in the 60's, but over the years their appearances traveled the same trajectory. The Captain seems to have been cosmetically enhance, though. It didn't occur to me as a television-watching kid in the 'sixties that The Captain was wearing a wig. To me, these guys were equal.
I could trust that Walter Cronkite was telling the truth about Vietnam as surely as I could trust that Mr. Moose would drop ping pong balls on the Captain every time.
They left CBS around the same time, too. Walter retired in 1981, while CBS canceled The Captain in 1984.
It makes you wonder if there's really a parallel between these two gentlemen and trust on TV. It's kind of like quantum physics where, as I understand it, the very act of observing an object changes it's nature so that all reality is simply a matter of consciousness and mind. Ergo: If I observe a parallel between Captain Kangaroo and Walter Cronkite, there very well could actually be one, but it doesn't really matter because there is no Reality or Matter either.
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The line between science and philosophy gets exceedingly blurry when discussing quantum physics. I like it, personally, because it all leads to a Namaste kind of place where the only conclusion is that our society is run by fear mongers who scare the shit out of the masses -- like when folks were buying duct tape at Walmart to protect their families from chemical and biological warfare after 9-11.
It's nice to believe that enlightened people could collectively focus our energies and think these bad guys out of existence, but I'm pretty sure everyone's chakras would have to be fairly well aligned. That's a tall order.
I just wish Walter Cronkite and Captain Kangaroo could appear night after night to our congress men and women like the ghosts in A Christmas Carol and scare them into actually reforming health care.
Nice spell you're casting here. May your energy make manifest this transformation.
Make it so, PE.
I loved Walter Cronkite...he was like a wise old uncle, or grand dad, you just knew he was telling it like it was. And you could trust it. Now we have FOX and pretty boy/girl anchors.
Can't say I was that fond of Captain Kangaroo...there was something I didn't trust about him. Can't identify it...just a feeling. Maybe it was the wig.
Damn, I realize reading my comment that I sound like some old geezer reliving the good ol days. OK, I am.
Utah, new moon is coming up. Time to discard ideas that get in our way and nurture the ideas we want to grow. Why not conjure the spirit of Walter Cronkite to haunt our leaders until we have a sense of accountability in this country?
JadedJ - geezers rock.
I loved Bunny, Captain Kangaroo's glasses wearing friend. I don't remember much about Walter except his voice. There was a gravitas to his voice that seems lacking in the voice of Anderson Cooper.
Walter and the Captain are such a part of my childhood and both comforting in their own way.
I'm praying and crossing my fingers that those asses in Washington pass health care reform soon since I'm one of the 45+ million without coverage.
Hi Trish-
Only YOU could combine Walter and The Captain so eloquently. I loved the parallel.
Funny, I always thought that was the Captain's real hair too. :-) Amazing huh?
Love you girl
I thought Walter Cronkite was immortal. Nice imagery, Mr. Cronkite and the Captain clanking their chains in a mass congressional hallucination. Surely we can manage it, with the new moon and all.
You, me and 45,000,000 other folks, Peach Tart.
La Belette Rouge, I agree - and it's nice of you to pop over.
Gail, the more I think about the Captain and that hair, the more I wonder WTF? Maybe it's because he was originally a clown.
dissed, if we add some high powered candles, anything is possible ;)
You gotta a ver' nice sensibility, mon cherie. Right on! That 'stoner' gift. We're really hard to fool...
a nice piece...of work...
I just wanna reiterate what a nice phenemonological connection this is...
There was a gravitas to his voice that seems lacking in the voice of Anderson Cooper.
walter'd seen stuff that, had he seen it also, would have prevented andy coop from being the tool he has become...
Ontology, Epistemology & Phenomenology - "I drink therefore I am"
Ah PENolan..your last paragraph was great and I too wish they would appear every night to the idiot congress critters. ;)
They had class with a capital C. Something we seem to be in short supply of these days.
LoL. Let us all simply wish it, and it shall be done! :) Oh, not to worry, it's already being done, we simply don't know it .... yet. Love your writing...light, humorous, and it brought the first smile to me today. Thanks for writing and sharing! I found you via Gail.
Peace, Light and Love, CordieB
A familiar tune cropped up recently in a claymation commercial for Traveler's Insurance featuring a dollhouse and a few Playskool building blocks. I knew the tune deep in my bones, but could place it only as "on TV when I was a kid." First I thought maybe Leave it to Beaver, but then that theme came rushing back: nope, not it. Just now Googled it. The tune is "Puffin Billy" from Captain Kangaroo. Googled the Captain, saw a photo array, was struck by how much he looked like Uncle Walter in one of the picture. Clicked it, and here I am. Loved the post. Thanks!
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