Blowing Kisses
The Criteria:
These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
Since I'm someone who still gets my validation from external sources, this is tremendously exciting. Passing it on to eight friends in blogland is a challenge because I'm not sure that I know eight blogs that meet the criteria who haven't already gotten the same award from Utah Savage or Comrade Kevin. Take Liberality, for example. She's truly a friendly and supportive blogger which is probably why she got this award twice in one day. Hey! So did I! Pretty cool. I'm humbled, honored, tickled pink, blushing and late to work again because I'm blogging instead of getting my ass out the door.
I figure I'll start with a few and add to the list until there are eight.
Yellowdog Granny
Know Your "It's"
Pushing Fifty Gently
She Shoots to Conquer
I'd pass it on to that bartender who philosophizes over at The Great Triad except I'm counting on Gail to give it to him. He likes to keep a bit of a distance, I suspect, and makes friends despite himself.

Follow Up:
Kitty, of Kitty's Bloggy Bits, mentioned in the comments that she could swear she'd given me an award too. She did. I must have been so traumatized by Sarah Palin that I couldn't think of anything else since Kitty bestowed this honor upon me in late October. Kitty describes herself, "An ordinary woman, living an ordinary life. I'm a domestic engineer/goddess living in the Central South area of the UK, and have two kids, two computers, a cat, a hamster, and a car, in my charge." She is filled with love and wisdom and takes lovely photos of the world surrounding her. As it happens, she's a crafty woman with lots of bits of yarn and fabric taking over her closets. Like many things, this award is simple but meaningful. It's for an Entertaining and Enjoyable blog.
Wow, we both got this twice in the same day! How nice for us. It's always great, I think, to be appreciated.
Oh wow! My first award!! I am humbled and excited and thrilled.
Thanks P E Nolan - a million times, thanks. I will award a few bloggers a bit later.
Love and gratitude
I'm certain I've passed awards your way before Trish - maybe you just didn't collect them ;-) Congratulations on this one. x
Congratulations.. Very well-deserved!
A whirlwind of kisses to you.
Obviously I was never aware of an award, but back in the beginning I didn't get around blogland much. You've linked to me very kindly so many times that people in Australia read the blog all because of you.
You are very deserving of this award..I love coming here and seeing what you have to say. I have received this one before and for the life of me can't figure out how to add it to my sidebar...will have to get some one to help me add it..thank you so always gives me a nice warm feeling in my heart to have some one appreciate what I do over on the old home front..thank you so much...and coming from YOU makes it even better..
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