Dissed asked which perfume I was thinking of wearing for my date with the Wall Streeter. It depends on the weather. If it's warmer, I'll definitely wear Muget du Bonheur by Caron
This fragrance is light but not too sweet and clingy like florals often are. I like to put a big drop on my finger and run it from the spot where my neck turns into my shoulder down to my cleavage. Like Coco Chanel said something like a woman should put her perfume where she wants to be kissed. Excellent advice.
If it's a bit cooler, my favorite is Musc Ravageur, a fragrance designed for Frederic Malle by Maurice Roucel. It's one of those best to spritz into the air then walk through it - but I do spray it directly into my hair.
Late to work!
Hi Trish-
Excellent choices on the perfumes. I like earthy, spiced and musk scents. No flowers for me.
And the way you described how you apply your perfume? Very, very sensual.
And the idea that where one applies perfume is where one hopes to be kissed? Wildly provocative. I love it. I also believe I read somewhere that you are, in fact, very provacative.
Also, the photos I saw of you prove that to be quite true. As I re-read this I sound like I am trying to "pick you up". :-)
Thank God I am finally secure enough with myself to openly appreciate the beauty and sensual essence of a woman.
Admiring you-
So if you know any available men who understand that doing the right thing and the easy thing are not always the same thing - toss 'em my way ;)
Sending you love and light.
On an unrelated note---I forgot to tell you how much I appreciate your advice and wisdom.
It's comforting to be understood.
Musc Ravageur. Very, very good.
Hi again,
definitely - when I get a line or lead on a good guy - with good sense about 'right' and 'easy' I will direct them to you.
and FYI - I showed your photo(s) to the bartender's brother - he found you quite attractive -
and Comrade Kevin - I so like the spirit of your writing - I absorb it, you - with ease.....
Comrade Kevin: That you feel understood proves you need to spend more time among "old" women. Jeez - We're nearly crones and to those of us who know about the three faces of the Goddess (maiden, mother, crone), being a crone is a very cool thing indeed.
We understand all kinds of shit because it's landed in our living rooms.
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