2008 Influences: Why not Pot?
When I logged in this morning, I saw this MSN headline and photo:

You really have to wonder about someone who places Hannah Montana and Michale Phelps on the same level as Sarah Palin and Barak Obama.
Is MSN the culprit here or the American public? Is this media influencing the public or the public influencing the media. Just whose chicken and egg is this bullshit anyway? Are these role models for America's youth? WTF? And the final questions: Am I so out of touch with pop culture these days that I don't understand why Hannah Montana and Sarah Palin are equal influences on this country? Is this a bad thing?
If we were to use an objective, arbitrary standard to determine the worth of these people - like how they would conduct themselves in an interview with Stephen Colbert - then Michael Phelps has to be shot down off this photo illustration before any further discussion. He may be a great Olympian whose dedication and motivation can serve as an inspiration, but he was undeniably slow on the uptake on the Colbert Report the other night. If his book is at all interesting, it's because he had a good ghost writer.
Further, he's not going to try to do anything else for anyone else during the next four years - so why anyone on this green earth would equate him with a new president who could change the course of life in this country forever is beyond me. Similarly, Miley Cyrus is an insipid celebrity who may or may not grow up to be an influence of historical significance. We can only hope she doesn't go into finance and bankrupt retirees like the latest Wall Street Criminal - whose name I'm sorry to say I do not know because I hate those guys on general principal (see Bastards with their Backs Against the Wall when the Revolution Comes). That motherfucker's influence will be felt well beyond 2008.
No one can dispute Sarah Palin's influence this year. Whether or not she should have been drowned at birth is something people can debate until the caribou come home. I would wish she would become an equal to Miley Cyrus except in some distorted reality (this would be Real Life and not my personal reality which we all know is unreliable and distorted) Miley Cyrus probably can have a significant impact on the voting patterns of an important demographic.
Maybe the world outside my window exists in a parallel universe to the one inside my living room. Granted, we smoke weed occasionally in this home (sorry, Mom) but I don't think that's a bad thing. It's illegal which is unfortunate. I hear that individuals in Austin, Texas can have a QP (that's quarter pound, y'all) and it's just a misdemeanor again. A mere ticket-able offense.
That's a good influence for 2008.

You really have to wonder about someone who places Hannah Montana and Michale Phelps on the same level as Sarah Palin and Barak Obama.
Is MSN the culprit here or the American public? Is this media influencing the public or the public influencing the media. Just whose chicken and egg is this bullshit anyway? Are these role models for America's youth? WTF? And the final questions: Am I so out of touch with pop culture these days that I don't understand why Hannah Montana and Sarah Palin are equal influences on this country? Is this a bad thing?
If we were to use an objective, arbitrary standard to determine the worth of these people - like how they would conduct themselves in an interview with Stephen Colbert - then Michael Phelps has to be shot down off this photo illustration before any further discussion. He may be a great Olympian whose dedication and motivation can serve as an inspiration, but he was undeniably slow on the uptake on the Colbert Report the other night. If his book is at all interesting, it's because he had a good ghost writer.
Further, he's not going to try to do anything else for anyone else during the next four years - so why anyone on this green earth would equate him with a new president who could change the course of life in this country forever is beyond me. Similarly, Miley Cyrus is an insipid celebrity who may or may not grow up to be an influence of historical significance. We can only hope she doesn't go into finance and bankrupt retirees like the latest Wall Street Criminal - whose name I'm sorry to say I do not know because I hate those guys on general principal (see Bastards with their Backs Against the Wall when the Revolution Comes). That motherfucker's influence will be felt well beyond 2008.
No one can dispute Sarah Palin's influence this year. Whether or not she should have been drowned at birth is something people can debate until the caribou come home. I would wish she would become an equal to Miley Cyrus except in some distorted reality (this would be Real Life and not my personal reality which we all know is unreliable and distorted) Miley Cyrus probably can have a significant impact on the voting patterns of an important demographic.
Maybe the world outside my window exists in a parallel universe to the one inside my living room. Granted, we smoke weed occasionally in this home (sorry, Mom) but I don't think that's a bad thing. It's illegal which is unfortunate. I hear that individuals in Austin, Texas can have a QP (that's quarter pound, y'all) and it's just a misdemeanor again. A mere ticket-able offense.
That's a good influence for 2008.

Hi Trish-
I agree with everything you wrote about the folks in that photo. I love how you just tell it like it is.
I laughed right our loud through out your post now that is influential and damn good writing. I vote for you!
I'm glad you're "laughing all the way." We're getting just enough snow to have some fun. How about you?
Hi Trish-
We got about ten inches of snow here. It is like a Winter Wonderland. :-) And we have another five inches coming Sunday, and then a big freeze.
I am very thankful I am home, enjoying the wood fire and the view.
I am not scheduled to return to work until a week from today - phew.
Are you and Velvet flying to Texas this weekend?
Monday evening. I'm hoping for a snow day that clears up early so I don't have to work but no delays at the airport. A girl can dream.
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